Books about Meaning and Purpose for Atheists
Books about Spirituality for Atheists
All, Books-on-Meaning, Reviews, Discussions, Books-on-SpiritualityTMAspirituality, spirituality for atheists, secular spirituality, naturalized spirituality, religious naturalism, non-religious
Book List 2: 100 Books about Mortality
Novels about Death
Full Summary of John Vervaeke’s “Awakening from the Meaning Crisis”
The Secular Satisfaction of Death (Bruce Ledewitz)
Spirituality for Atheists
Why do we fear death?
10 Books about Death for Atheists
All, Books-on-Mortality, DiscussionsTMAnon-religious, books, death, secular, mortality, atheism, agnostic, existential anxiety
What happens to an atheist when they die?
The oblivion of death and the uncaring cosmos
What Now? My 2022 Death Project.
All, DiscussionsTMAdeath, mortality, meaning, atheist, atheism, secular, skeptic, transcendence, mystery, mysticism, meaning-making, purpose
One Year In: A Review
All, DiscussionsTMAdeath, death blog, death anxiety, secular death, atheist, atheism, mortality, dying, existential terror, legacy
Am I Afraid To Die?
All, DiscussionsTMAdeath, death anxiety, existential terror, atheist, atheism, secular, secular death, oblivion, nothingness, non-existence, mortality
Book List 1: First 50 Mortality Books
All, Reviews, Books-on-Mortality, DiscussionsTMAmortality, death, dying, atheism, atheist, secular, secular death, reading, writing, blogging, reviews, book list, books
Nozick's Experience Machine
Transcendence and Mystery for Atheists
Discussions, AllTMAtranscendence, transcendent, mystery, mystical, mysticism, spiritual, secular spirituality, awe, wonder, sublime, atheist, atheism, mortality, skeptic, nonbeliever, death, death anxiety
What are the odds of being alive?
All, DiscussionsTMAodds, probability, atheist, atheism, death, dying, life, living, mortality, gratitude
Thought experiment: is hope a helpful thing?
Exercises, All, DiscussionsTMAhope, hoping, death, dying, mortality, atheist, atheism, secular, secular death, Stephen Jenkinson, Die Wise, death-phobic culture
Hoping for More Time
All, DiscussionsTMAhope, hoping, death, dying, mortality, atheist, atheism, secular, secular death, more time, death-phobic culture, stephen jenkinson, die wise, dying well