Posts tagged death anxiety
Free Yourself from Death Anxiety (Rachel E. Menzies and David Veale)
Curing the Dread of Death (Menzies, Menzies, Iverach)
Why do we fear death?
Supernatural: Death, Meaning, and the Power of the Invisible World (Clay Routledge)
The Bazaar of Bad Dreams (Stephen King)
Interview with Penny Hawkins (hospice nurse)
Mortals (Rachel and Ross Menzies)
All, Books-on-Mortality, ReviewsTMAdeath anxiety, death, dying, mortality, mortal terror, secular death, atheist, atheism, terror management theory, existential terror, existential dread, dread of death, mental illness, Feb.2023 10 books for atheists
The 7 Laws of Magical Thinking (Matthew Hutson)
All, Books-on-Meaning, ReviewsTMAdeath, dying, death anxiety, mortality, immortal soul, atheist, atheism, secular, secular meaning, magical thinking, superstition, matthew, hutson, matthew hutson, teleological reasoning, theory of mind, secular ritual
Dying Well (Ira Byock)
All, Books-on-Mortality, ReviewsTMAira, byock, ira byock, dying well, good death, atheism, atheist, secular, secular death, mortality, death anxiety, euthanasia, dignity, community, death
One Year In: A Review
All, DiscussionsTMAdeath, death blog, death anxiety, secular death, atheist, atheism, mortality, dying, existential terror, legacy
Am I Afraid To Die?
All, DiscussionsTMAdeath, death anxiety, existential terror, atheist, atheism, secular, secular death, oblivion, nothingness, non-existence, mortality
Transcendence and Mystery for Atheists
Discussions, AllTMAtranscendence, transcendent, mystery, mystical, mysticism, spiritual, secular spirituality, awe, wonder, sublime, atheist, atheism, mortality, skeptic, nonbeliever, death, death anxiety
Die Wise (Stephen Jenkinson)
All, Reviews, Books-on-MortalityTMAdeath, dying, mortality, philosophy, stephen jenkinson, secular, secular death, culture, death-phobic culture, death phobia, death anxiety, atheist, atheism, skeptic, nonbeliever
Death (Todd May)
All, Reviews, Books-on-MortalityTMAphilosophy, philosophers, secular, secular death, atheist, atheism, skeptic, nonbeliever, Todd May, mortality, immortality, mortal terror, death anxiety, death, death awareness, living with dying, Todd, May, Feb.2023 10 books for atheists
When Breath Becomes Air (Paul Kalanithi)
All, Memoirs, Reviews, Books-on-MortalityTMApaul kalanithi, atheist, atheism, death, death anxiety, dying, terminal illness, terminal diagnosis, cancer, lung cancer, mortality, secular death
Staring At The Sun (Irvin Yalom)
All, Reviews, Books-on-MortalityTMAstaring at the sun, irvin yalom, atheist, atheism, secular, secular death, philosophy, Epicurus, existence, existentialism, existential dread, mortal terror, death anxiety, mortality salience, mortality, fear, existential psychotherapy, existential psychology, Feb.2023 10 books for atheists
How We Die (Sherwin Nuland)
All, Reviews, Books-on-MortalityTMAdeath, dying, how we die, sherwin nuland, death anxiety, death awareness, dignity, dignity in death, atheist, atheism, secular, secular death, mortality, mortal terror, clinical death
Interview with Claudia Biçen (artist and designer)
All, InterviewsTMAWayfinder, Project Wayfinder, Claudia Bicen, art, artist, hospice, Thoughts in Passing, mortality, death, death anxiety, death awareness, transience, impermanence, interview, atheist, atheism, secular death
Nothing To Be Frightened Of (Julian Barnes)
All, Reviews, Memoirs, Books-on-MortalityTMAdeath, dying, death anxiety, existentialism, atheist, atheism, skeptic, secular, secular death, philosophy, mortality, mortal terror, mortality salience, Feb.2023 10 books for atheists
Interview with Sheldon Solomon (professor/psychologist)
All, InterviewsTMAsheldon solomon, the worm at the core, terror management theory, mortal terror, mortality, mortality salience, death, death anxiety, death reminders, atheist, atheism, agnostic, agnosticism, Ernest Becker, existentialism, existential psychotherapy, existential psychology