Posts tagged existentialism
Death and Philosophy (Malpas and Solomon)
All, Reviews, Books-on-MortalityTMAdeath, dying, philosophy, atheist, atheism, secular, secular death, mortality, mortality salience, stories, existentialism
Staring At The Sun (Irvin Yalom)
All, Reviews, Books-on-MortalityTMAstaring at the sun, irvin yalom, atheist, atheism, secular, secular death, philosophy, Epicurus, existence, existentialism, existential dread, mortal terror, death anxiety, mortality salience, mortality, fear, existential psychotherapy, existential psychology, Feb.2023 10 books for atheists
Nothing To Be Frightened Of (Julian Barnes)
All, Reviews, Memoirs, Books-on-MortalityTMAdeath, dying, death anxiety, existentialism, atheist, atheism, skeptic, secular, secular death, philosophy, mortality, mortal terror, mortality salience, Feb.2023 10 books for atheists
Interview with Sheldon Solomon (professor/psychologist)
All, InterviewsTMAsheldon solomon, the worm at the core, terror management theory, mortal terror, mortality, mortality salience, death, death anxiety, death reminders, atheist, atheism, agnostic, agnosticism, Ernest Becker, existentialism, existential psychotherapy, existential psychology
The Precipice (Toby Ord)
All, Reviews, Books-on-MortalityTMAtoby ord, existentialism, existential risk, nuclear war, pandemic, artificial intelligence, atheism, secular, secular death, extinction, dystopia, civilization, civilization collapse, mortality, global mortality, death awareness
The Consolations of Mortality - Making Sense of Death (Andrew Stark)
All, Reviews, Books-on-MortalityTMAatheist, atheism, secular, philosophy, philosophers, Epicurus, existentialism, existentialist, death, dying, mortality