Meanings of Life (Roy F. Baumeister)
All, Books-on-Meaning, ReviewsTMAmeaning, meaning of life, social science, purpose, value, secular meaning, atheism, Dec.23 books about meaning
Meaning in Life Trilogy (Irving Singer)
Meaning in Life - The Creation of Value (Irving Singer)
Spirituality for the Skeptic (Robert C. Solomon)
Ultimate Questions (Bryan Magee)
The oblivion of death and the uncaring cosmos
The Meaning of Life: Religious, Philosophical, Transhumanist, and Scientific Perspectives (John G. Messerly)
All, Books-on-Meaning, ReviewsTMAmeaning, mortality, death, meaning on life, meaning of life, nihilism, atheism, secular meaning, subjective meaning, objective meaning, Dec.23 books about meaning
The Sunny Nihilist (Wendy Syfret)
A Meaning to Life (Michael Ruse)
The Power of Regret (Daniel H. Pink)
Four Thousand Weeks (Oliver Burkeman)
All, Books-on-Mortality, ReviewsTMAmortality, atheist, atheism, time management, cosmic insignificance, existential overwhelm, meaning, secular meaning
Waking Up - A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion (Sam Harris)
Transcending Self-Interest (Wayment and Bauer)
All, Reviews, Books-on-Meaning, Books-on-SpiritualityTMAself-transcendence, mortality, mortality salience, terror management theory, quiet ego, noisy ego, Nov.23 books about spirituality
Straw Dogs (John Gray)
Books-on-Meaning, All, ReviewsTMAmortality, morality, immorality, misanthropy, nihilism, fatalism, freedom, meaning, meaning in life, secular meaning, secular humanism
Interview with Carol Fiore (author)
All, InterviewsTMAgrief, grieving, secular grief, loss, atheist, atheism, secular death, bereavement, mourning
Value and Virtue in a Godless Universe (Erik Wielenberg)
All, Books-on-Meaning, Reviews, Books-on-SpiritualityTMAvirtue, morality, meaning, atheist, atheism, secular meaning, secular morality, philosophy
The Meaning of Life - A Reader (Klemke and Cahn)
On the Meaning of Life (Will Durant)
Interview with Penny Hawkins (hospice nurse)
Mortals (Rachel and Ross Menzies)
All, Books-on-Mortality, ReviewsTMAdeath anxiety, death, dying, mortality, mortal terror, secular death, atheist, atheism, terror management theory, existential terror, existential dread, dread of death, mental illness, Feb.2023 10 books for atheists